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Topic review


Re: Version 4.0 can not integrate with putty

Thanks for your reply, I will wait for the next release.

Re: Version 4.0 can not integrate with putty

This is known issue that has been resolved already. The fix will be included into the next release.

Re: Version 4.0 can not integrate with putty

Same for me: when clicking 'Open session in PuTTY' or Ctrl+P, the PuTTY window opens, but I am not automatically logged in (password is not passed to PuTTY, although this option is enabled in the checkbox of the Preferences, Integration menu).
Note: I upgraded from version 3.8.2. I have not checked whether a clean install has the same bug.

Version 4.0 can not integrate with PuTTY

I used v 3.8.2 and integrate with PuTTY. It remembered the session and passed it to PuTTY but version 4.0 can't do this job.