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Topic review


PET wrote:

...In FAQ is writed that I can only to that if i'm not promted for password, then how should I do it?

The aforementioned FAQ wrote:

... See sudo documentation to learn how to do that. For example you can add following line to sudoers file...

I having the same problem. I can't login tirectly to root so I have to tipe SU then it will promt me for password, I imput that then i'm ok. In FAQ is writed that I can only to that if i'm not promted for password, then how should I do it?


Re: Elevat to root while in WinSCP

Please read FAQ.

Elevat to root while in WinSCP

My host won't allow me to log in directly as root instead I have to type "su -" to gain access.

Can I elevate myself within WinSCP?