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For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: Error listing directory - Unexpected directory listing line

martin wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

This may be the wrong question, but is there any setting in WinSCP to customize the directory listing command that it uses?

There is an option "Alias LS to display group name" on SCP tab of login dialog.

Checking that and switching the shell to /bin/ksh seemed to do the trick.

Thanks, -blake

Re: Error listing directory - Unexpected directory listing line

Anonymous wrote:

This may be the wrong question, but is there any setting in WinSCP to customize the directory listing command that it uses?

There is an option "Alias LS to display group name" on SCP tab of login dialog.

Re: Error listing directory - Unexpected directory listing line

martin wrote:

Yes, WinSCP needs the group name.

On Solaris the group may be included in a listing by doing an
ls -lg
. This may be the wrong question, but is there any setting in WinSCP to customize the directory listing command that it uses?

Thanks, -blake

Re: Error listing directory - Unexpected directory listing line

Blakevh wrote:

Could it be that WinSCP is expecting the group to be included with an LS -l command, and on Solaris this is not the default?

Yes, WinSCP needs the group name.

Error listing directory - Unexpected directory listing line

The following error is being displayed and no files show up in the remote directory list.

Error listing directory "/home/qcdnd".

Unexpected directory listing line "drwxr-xr-x   6 qcdnd         512 May 12 14:48 .".
Operation aborted

I am using WinSCP Version 3.3.0 (Build 177) and connection to a Solaris 2.7 box. The connection is being made in SCP mode. The server does not have SFTP enabled (I did try.)

Could it be that WinSCP is expecting the group to be included with an LS -l command, and on Solaris this is not the default?

Thanks, -blake