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Topic review


Re: using port number in scripting

@arwind: Do you mean that it does not work, when you need to specify port number in script? What protocol is the server using?

using port number in scripting

I was using scripting file to automation copy file from PC A to PC B. It's running well, but when PC A using PORT that scripting not running.

That script:
option batch on
option confirm off
open abcd:abcdefg@
cd /usr/local/
option transfer binary
lcd c:\
get *

please help me! :-(

Re: Upload of text files using command line

I use
option batch on
option confirm off
open xxx:yyy@zz.zz.zz.zz
put e:\data\1.txt

Need to know how I can force Bin instead of ascii, which is used by default. That was the problem.

Upload of text files using command line


I set up WinSCP to transfer a txt file to an SFTP server. The file is transferred but the format changes. Are there any option to specify transfer mode and file system (win/unix) in command mode? I can't find any info about it.

I use the sample file for scripting and start it from SQL server on a Windows server. FTP server is using Globalscape SFTP server and I believe it is a Windows server, though I'm not sure.