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Re: can't connect

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

sorry, ok here's the version

Version 4.0.6
Have just downloaded and installed latest version, made no difference
Have tried to search site, but no luck.
I don't have a server administrator? or do I? How can I check myself. I have been using the programme for about a year now.
Am using Explorer
I right click on the file i want to upload, and left click on send to winscp for upload. Normally it'd log in automatically

that's all I can say

Thanks Rebecca

Re: can't connect

repromaedels wrote:

Hi, winscp won't connect to the internet, can't think why. My internet connection is fine.

thanks so much, Rebecca

ps. message Timeout detected.
Connection failed.

can't connect

Hi, winscp won't connect to the internet, can't think why. My internet connection is fine.

thanks so much, Rebecca