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Re: "What this file for changes" (sync file, not whole folder)

You can using include mask or Selected files only option to limit scope to single file only.

"What this file for changes" (sync file, not whole folder)

Using the right-click edit function is great for code files with txt etc.

But for images and graphics where I edit the photoshop(PSD) file and not the jpg or png(etc.) file I can't just right-click and edit it.

So my idea and feature request is to be able to say "watch this .jpg file for changes" and then when I write over the file in my local copy it will be uploaded to the file that is currently active in the remote panel(or have winscp remember what folder it was on when "watch this file" was activated.

I know about syncing folders but this would be more modular and for individual fiels not folders, thus not requireing that you have the exactly the same whole folder locally as remotely..