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Re: path + filename limit (Windows)

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Pascal Boulerie

Re: path + filename limit (Windows)

martin wrote:

this is a limitation of Windows. Have you tried creating such file directly in Windows Explorer?

Yes indeed : there is a limit around 255 characters for file names and file path names, including the antislash characters "\".

The only solution is to shorten the original path name.

(Another possibility would be to develop a rename pathname interface in WinSCP...)

Re: path + filename limit

I belive that this is limitation of Windows on some filesystems. Have you tried creating such file directly in Windows Explorer?

path + filename limit

version 4.1.8
winxp os

I am copying files to a directory and get an error stating "can't create file....". The destination path + filename is quite long at 246 characters:

C:\Documents and Settings\Chad\My Documents\My Music CDs\A Tribe Called Quest - People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm (1990)\01 Push It Along, A Tribe Called Quest - People's Instinctive Travels And The Paths Of Rhythm (1990).WAV

If I shorten the name a bit by changing "C:\Documents and Settings\Chad\My Documents\My Music CDs" to a shorter path it is fine. I can then copy the files in winxp back to the original destination and it is ok.