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You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Kind of hard to publish too many details from my server structure here in the forum, would it be possible to e-mail you the requested information separately?

Re: Problems with syncronization

Please pick single file which script fails to synchronize and post a log file both for GUI synchronization, which transfer the file, and script synchronization, which does not transfer the file.

Problems with syncronization

I'm running a script weekly from my backup machine that is accessing my main server to make a backup. Some new files and folders are correctly transferred but some files/folders are completely voided.

If I use WinSCP GUI I can use the same login profile see all the files that are missed by the script and can transfer them back and forth without any problems. When I look at the output window from the script it doesn't even list and check the folders that is being missed. How can this be??

Here below is a copy of my script with the personal details modified...

option batch on
option confirm off
open myprofile
option transfer
synchronize local -delete -criteria=time C:\_BACKUP\ /_Shared/

Thanks in advance!