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Re: Is it possible to ssh to a login server and main server

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Is it possible to ssh to a login server and main server

Is it possible to make Winscp ssh into the login server (exp, then again ssh into the specific work server (both times putting in a password)?

Once winscp connects to the login server, ls will show me my directories, but I cannot access them (same as if I used cygen and only ssh into the login server). I then open up command line in winscp to try to ssh again, but it wont accept the ssh line since it prompts for user password again (command line wont accept comands that require user input)? Using command lines in putty through winscp only seems to work within the terminal and not for the browser interface of winscp.

Am I doomed to always have to type in long directories when using scp, or can winscp be made to work?