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Re: Get specific version documentation

Just type "help" or "help <command>" on WinSCP command line.

Get specific version documentation


We are using WinSCP scripting capabilities in a production environment, using Version 3.7.5 (Build 294)

I want to get the documentation for that version, but what I get is help for "beta releases 4.2 and 4.2.1". Is there a way to get the documentation for the version I am using?

I already tried searching in the history of the wiki docs (, but they do not say what version they are referring to.

Also, I googled, with no good results. The same with the Search in this page.

Finally, as of now, there are no plans to upgrade the version we are using.

Could you help me to locate a place were I can find the WinSCP scripting documentation for Version 3.7.5 (Build 294)?

Thank you in advance,

- Hector