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Topic review


purefusion wrote:

Any idea on implementation timeframe? Looks like it's an aged-old request by now.

I cannot commit to any date. Sorry.

Any idea on implementation timeframe? Looks like it's an aged-old request by now.

Re: Customization of WinSCP Command Hotkeys

This request is being tracked already.

Customization of WinSCP Command Hotkeys

Would you be so kind as to allow us a spot in the preferences to change the default hotkeys for WinSCP's built in commands?

I've never used "Copy" (currently F5), as I just drag and drop my files between local and remote machines. Thus, I want to change "Refresh" to F5 because I use it so frequently.

The same is true for "Move" (currently F6), as I use "Duplicate" much more often and want to change it to F6.

I wouldn't burden such a change to the core, therefore allowing this type of hotkey customization should be built into the prefs. :)

Thanks much!