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"c:\program files\winscp\" /command "open """""
"get ""/mnt/1200GB/www2/full/life-2010-03-03.tgz"" ""c:\2010\"""

I have to correct myself.

I put the path according to the documentatin in double double quotes.

""thisis the path""

But same error every time and a i got a new error.
I tried to download a file where is no empty space.
these where my steps:


"c:\program files\winscp\" /command "open """
"get "/mnt/1200GB/www2/full/life-2010-03-03.tgz "" c:\2010\""""
(and some varaities).

neither a file with the name 2010 is created or the life-file is saved somewhere and i get the error: unknown dommand c:\2010

Confused with get method

Hi Guys

When starting WinSCP via Run and trying to use get WinSCP sends me an error when der is a space in the path or file name.
But the whole name is being set in "" (eg. "thisistthepath/this is the file".

Where exactly is my problem??