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Re: GUI Transfer from script

gianlu971 wrote:

Oh it's a sin. And You think it's a possible new feature? Thanks again!

Sorry, but no.

Re: GUI Transfer from script

Oh it's a sin. And You think it's a possible new feature? Thanks again!

Re: GUI Transfer from script

You cannot.

Re: GUI Transfer from script

Thanks for your reply.... I've tried and it works but i can't settings default parameters cause i need to set direction. I've tried with winscp.exe session /synchronize local_folder remote_folder /defaults. How i can solve??? Thanks.

Re: GUI Transfer from script

You can use /synchronize command-line parameter instead of script.

GUI Transfer from script

Hi to all, I don't know if it is yet implemented (if so an help would be appreciated), but should be very nice if when start a synchro from script, output was in GUI format and not textual, as i can see with the synchro command via graphical interface. This would give a chance to user that execute script to understand total time transfer, speed and so on... Thanks in advance