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Re: How to recover from terminations

victorengel wrote:

The problem is that when the script aborts, the window doesn't terminate.

So what happens instead? Can you post a screenshot or log?

How to recover from terminations

My host has recently disallowed unsecure ftp, so I started using winscp to syncronize data from a folder updated by my weather station to my online directory that serves various websites. It works fine until there is some issue that causes the connection to break.

In an effort to combat that, I've repeated the command multiple times in the script. This way, if the script aborts, it can start up again. Or that was the theory, anyway.

The problem is that when the script aborts, the window doesn't terminate. If I cancel the window, the script automatically starts again as expected. The user intervention required, however, sort of defeats the purpose.

Any suggestions?

Note this problem is more likely to happen the more network traffic there is, for example, online backups also occurring at the same time.

I really just need something that is more fault-tolerant. I don't really care what it errored on if it can simply resync again after a retry.