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Re: Copying files from Linux to windows ;"aleardy exists" error

I haven't said that means the files are the same.
They can indeed be different. It just asks you to confirm that you really want overwrite one version with the another.

Re: Copying files from Linux to windows ;"aleardy exists" error

thanks for your answer.
Absolutely this is NOT the case.
I see that these files are different in size and
Location. If you were right they should have been
the same size.
They have the same name, as I mentioned.

martin wrote:

It's overwrite confirmation prompt. Just press "Yes to All" or disable confirmation prompt altogether.

Re: Copying files from Linux to windows ;"aleardy exists" error

It's overwrite confirmation prompt. Just press "Yes to All" or disable confirmation prompt altogether.

Copying files from Linux to windows ;"aleardy exists" error

I want to backup a large folder from Linux to windows.
I cannot make a zip file from this large
folder as I don't have enough space of Linux for it (I got an error of insufficient disk space).

When I try to copy this folder with to windows with WinSCP (By F5, not by drag and drop)
I get the following error:
Local file ipt_ECN.c aleardy exists.Overwrite ?
New: 4671 bytes.
... Existing: 3261 bytes.

with different type stamps
and Yes/No/Cancel/Append... buttons.

Indeed I have different copies of this
file under different paths under the folder
which I copy. But why is this error ?

I have WinScp 4.2.6;

I looked under options->preferences->Transfer
I had there in
Maximal number of transfers at the same time = 2

I changed it to 1 , and I had again
the same problem.

Any idea?
