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Topic review


hi martin,

thanks dor your help. it's ne newest version, it got transfer files individually (= jede datei einzeln im hintergrund übertragen)checked,
now got multiplie transfers-. nice. the option should be renamed though...many people seem to understand that "individually" means "no parallel transfers". i suggest renaming that option to "use multiple ftp connections".

thanks a lot

frank woelky

Re: Multiple FTP transfers not working

I do not speak German, but I guess you are using old version of WinSCP does not have Transfer each file individually option

Multiple FTP transfers not working

Hi Martin,

despite reading the docs over and over again, i just can't get WINSCP to do parallel simultaneously FTP transfers.
these are my background transfer settings:

(see attachment 1)

and this is what the queue displays when adding several files from root e.g.

(see attachment 2)