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Re: SSIS Script Task - Issue with getting remote file info

martin wrote:

Do I understand right that you want to get an XML log, but you are getting a session log instead? XML logging is supported since 4.2.x only.

Got it to work by updating to 4.2.7

Re: SSIS Script Task - Issue with getting remote file info

Do I understand right that you want to get an XML log, but you are getting a session log instead? XML logging is supported since 4.2.x only.

SSIS Script Task - Issue with getting remote file info

Need assistance getting functionality on WinSCP within SSIS. I'm passing 2 arguments:
1- Is the log file which I was expecting the second argument provide listed files
2- Opens session and list of specific file info on remote server

Have the current settings on [Execute Process Task]
RequireFullName: True
Executable: C:\Program Files\WinSCP\
FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue: True
SuccessValue: 0
TimeOut: 0
WindowStyle: Normal

I get .xml file - but it contains connection info (ie. session name, host name, username, tunnel...). My version locally which I've been able to get working is V4.2.7 (Build 758).
However the prod server is using the following version v4.1.8 (Build 415).