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I sent you the debug log. Thank you for your help.

Please email me a full debug log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

To generate log file, set Session.DebugLogPath. You may want to remove data you consider sensitive, such as host names, IP addresses, account names or file names. You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile. Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have emailed the log.

Access, if it ran SynchronizeDirectories.

Re: Unable to exit after running Session.SynchronizeDirectories

What does not exit?
- Session.SynchronizeDirectories
- or Access, if it ran (and finished) Session.SynchronizeDirectories anytime during its run?

Unable to exit after running Session.SynchronizeDirectories

After recently adding an automatic download ftp feature with WinSCP to my (VBA) Access database, which works fine, Access no longer exits when I close it. By breaking my code at various points and then trying to exit it, I narrowed it down to the following statement:
sess.SynchronizeDirectories SynchronizationMode_Local, info!RTFFolder, _

                info!BasePDFFolder & "/" & PDFFolders!Name, False, , , _

I compiled the assembly from the latest stable version of WinSCP (5.1.7). My database also uses other features of WinSCP (creating remote directories, moving remote files, downloading files) with no problem. The synchronization also works, but then I can't exit Access afterwards. This occurs on both Access 2003 and 2007, and with my ftp server that it's really supposed to download from as well as my local server that I made for development/testing purposes. (Both are sftp, if that's relevant.)

Thank you.