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The step did not generate any output. Process Exit Code 1.


I'm just posting this solution because it took me a long time to find it. Hopefully this will make life easier for someone else :D

We use WINSCP in our SQL Server jobs to upload files to sFTP sites. Normally we export a file and upload it. In this new job we have it doesn't always produce a file in step 1, and then the sFTP part in step 2 would return this error:

The step did not generate any output. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

The solution was to include a DOS command before the CALL to WINSCP to first detect if there are any files to upload:

IF EXIST \\servername\dirname\*.csv CALL "E:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open s -hostkey=""keyvalue""" "cd /upload" "put -delete ""\\servername\dirname\*.csv""" "exit"