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Topic review


nickpledge wrote:

Well this is it, smartftp does work...

OK, I've though that SmartFTP knows SSH, but now I see that it does not. So it may work as the problem is in SSH.

The additions in the F.A.Q. have not helped you?

Well this is it, smartftp does work...

i cant connect direct for some reason to my ftp
i cant connect using Winscp
But can with smartftp

I will have to ask some else then.


nickpledge wrote:

Ok, well im sorry for that. But im still none the wiser... how do i get round this? where are the .profiles? how do i stop this happening?

I have improved the answer to the F.A.Q., please read it again, maybe it will help you now. If not you should better ask someone experianced near you to help you. And maybe let us know then, what was the problem.
People have told me to use smartftp but i really get on well with winscp

I believe that it would not help. It is your SFTP server that does not work, so probably any SFTP client would not be able to talk to it.

Ok, well im sorry for that. But im still none the wiser... how do i get round this? where are the .profiles? how do i stop this happening? People have told me to use smartftp but i really get on well with winscp


Re: Problem Connecting

PLEASE read F.A.Q.

Problem Connecting

Hello All

Winscp is the main ftp program i use its easy and very cool!

But of late, i have been getting errors when trying to connect to my saved FTP address

Received too large (1399350636 B) SFTP packet. Max supported packet size is 102400 B.

The error is typically caused by message printed from startup script (like .profile). The message may start with "Shel".

I have tryed make new connections... but same thing happened... i have downloaded the updated verison and still nothing.

Can someone help?
