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Re: Excluded Files Mask - files without a fullstop (.)

Pascal wrote:

is it possible to exlude all files, that do not have a . (fullstop) in the name?

No, you can exlude only files that HAS something in the name. Anyway what do you mean by "fullstop"? I probably miss something :-) Also you have chance to succeed using range mask, like [a-z]. But that depends.

Excluded Files Mask - files without a fullstop (.)

is it possible to exlude all files, that do not have a . (fullstop) in the name?

Because if i say "keep remote directory uptodate" and use the option delete files, WinSCP alway deletes my softlinks in the remotedirectory, but it is not possible to download them on a windows machine, so I can'T use the "keep remote directory uptodate".
