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avoid error in ssis package using winscpcommand in sql server agent job

Hi I have doubt in ssis using winscp commands on excuteprocess task

I need download/move .zip file from remote server to local server machine. Here I follow few steps:

step1:I install winscp software in local server .
step2: I configure winscp settings with hostnameand username and pwd it working fine.

step3: I tried to implement ssis package using executeprocess task
there I given like below seetings in execute process task

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe

/command "open ""sftp://uesrname:pwdhostname""" "get ""remoterservrpath"" localpath" "exit"
after that I ran execute process task.then file is moved from remoteserver to localserver path location then imedentaily package failed with below error message

in bids environment package working fine. same package I tried to run on sql server agenct job that time
I got error like below
[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" "WinSCP /command "open ""
sftp://usernamepwdhostname""" "get """"
C:\Users\test\Desktop\Test\" "exit"" at "",
The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
here usernamepwdhostname I did not share orignal.I mention similay format. zip file is moved from remote to local server location.its fine.but I am getting package error after move the .zip file
in the job I foll steps like below
steps: in the steps table: i given step: test
steptype:sql server integration package
Package: testpackage
select 32 bit runtime

please tell me how to avoid this error in ssis package using sql server agent job