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Re: Nope

WinSCP does not support using creation date for comparison. With most protocols, you do not have that information anyway.


Doesn't work. I've tried all of those methods. It needs to be checking created date, not modified date, which it seems to be doing.

Only downloading new/modified files

Hi All,

So, I use this LEGAL service to download music for my DJ business. They update regularly (let's call it once a month.) I have tried and tried, read the WinSCP docs and maybe misunderstood, or whatever, but what I want to do it say, once a month, go on and get all the new/updated stuff, but not everything (I've already downloaded 1.5+TB of took days...I only want the new stuff.)

The documentation doesn't seem to match up exactly with the version of WinSCP I have (5.7.7 build 6257)

How can I make it only download new/updated files, and leave everything else as is? I've tried various settings, but nothing seems to work right. I understand that there will be an analysis period which could take quite a few minutes, but after that, I only want the new/updated stuff downloaded.

Can somebody please point me in the right direction?
