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Re: When I open files they are scrambled or in Chinese (?) characters

mehrlander1 wrote:

Actually I don't think it is an issue with WinSCP though as when I download it directly through a webpage, it has the same problem.

Than it's indeed not a WinSCP issue.

Re: When I open files they are scrambled or in Chinese (?) characters

mehrlander1 wrote:

martin wrote:

Show us a screenshot of the Excel.

Thanks for responding. I'm afraid there could be someone's name in there where I'd be violating policy to do so. Here are a few lines:

‚V,‹˜ÖF´R>ÿœÔ+Š}øŒ ©3äî­:[•Øà¬Îüo±ãº

Actually I don't think it is an issue with WinSCP though as when I download it directly through a webpage, it has the same problem. (I understand we use WinSCP as a shortcut for managing the transfer of files, but I'm not sure if this is the common use).

I believe it was when I downloaded it in "binary" that it appeared to have Chinese characters.

Re: When I open files they are scrambled or in Chinese (?) characters

martin wrote:

Show us a screenshot of the Excel.

Thanks for responding. I'm afraid there could be someone's name in there where I'd be violating policy to do so. Here are a few lines:

‚V,‹˜ÖF´R>ÿœÔ+Š}øŒ ©3äî­:[•Øà¬Îüo±ãº

Actually I don't think it is an issue with WinSCP though as when I download it directly through a webpage, it has the same problem. (I understand we use WinSCP as a shortcut for managing the transfer of files, but I'm not sure if this is the common use).

Re: When I open files they are scrambled or in Chinese (?) characters

Show us a screenshot of the Excel.

When I open files they are scrambled or in Chinese (?) characters

I was set up with WinSCP so I could get spreadsheet files from another office (xls, xlsx, csv). The files are there, but when I download them and open them in Excel, Wordpad, or Notepad, the text is all scrambled like it was corrupted or something.

Changing the "Transfer settings" from "binary" to "text" does not help.

Any ideas?

Thank you for any help!