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Re: Login Errors after update

tlink12345 wrote:

Myself and aco-worker had to update to the newest version of WinSCP to upload a file to the Xactly system and our old login information that we simply copy/paste into the credentials boxes no longer works and we are getting errors. Is there any way to fix this? Our companies IT people tried to trouble shoot and we are still unable to load a file and it is imperative for the proper functionality of our positions to be able to upload files.

Are there any non-ascii characters in the password (or username)?
What version of WinSCP were you using previously? If you downgrade, does the old version still work? Please attach a complete session log file both using the old version (if possible) and the latest one.

Login Errors after update

Myself and aco-worker had to update to the newest version of WinSCP to upload a file to the Xactly system and our old login information that we simply copy/paste into the credentials boxes no longer works and we are getting errors. Is there any way to fix this? Our companies IT people tried to trouble shoot and we are still unable to load a file and it is imperative for the proper functionality of our positions to be able to upload files.


Nevermind my password had expired

Login failed due to account restrictions

As my subject states this is the problem I am running into I am running version 5.9.1.

This is the message I receive when trying to log in.

Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "chengd".

Authentication failed.

Thanks for any help.