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Re: Polish charset

SFTP allows unicode encoding only. If you SFTP server does support that, WinSCP cannot do anything about it. Read more in FAQ.

Polish charset


1) WinSCP is cool :-)

2) I use Polish Windows 2000, I can't enter proper Polish names for the files. WinSCP names files/dir with polish letters but PuTTY and ls /dir/ shows that polish letters are lost!

Where can I change that option, if there is one...?

I believe WinSCP should use ISO8859-2, When I create directory using PuTTY (mkdir /ąęśółńżź - polish letters :) ), WinSCP does not display proper letters, it looks like it displays raw ISO8859-2 (not interpreted, they look like html polish letters in html code /web page source/)

thank you