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Re: Synchronize a file in the root directory

martin wrote:

You have to exclude the subfolders.
Also option include is deprecated, use -filemask instead.

synchronize local -filemask=temp.txt|*/ -criteria=time C:\ShareFile / -mirror

I do it. Tks you so much !!!

Re: Synchronize a file in the root directory

You have to exclude the subfolders.
Also option include is deprecated, use -filemask instead.

synchronize local -filemask=temp.txt|*/ -criteria=time C:\ShareFile / -mirror

Synchronize a file in the root directory

Hi guy

i want synchronize one file only in the root directory but it synchronize all sub directory.
So how i can synchronize only one file ?? this my script:

option include temp.txt
synchronize local -criteria=time C:\ShareFile / -mirror
synchronize local -criteria=size C:\ShareFile / -mirror

Example directory tree:

I just want synchronize one file only in the root directory, don't synchronize file in sub directory AA and BB.

Tks !!!