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Re: Is there a way to sort local folder and only send newest file(s) to remote?

Sorry, this is too broad.
Is this actually a scripting question (it's posted in scripting forum)? Or a GUI only question?
Do you want to upload only the latest file in each folder?

Is there a way to sort local folder and only send newest file(s) to remote?

I am setting up a new FTP site. I have existing users and folders with multiple files each. I do not want to fill the new site with old files. Is there a way to send ONLY the newest file to the remote folder without syncing the entire folder?

Local folder contains:
Centeron120520181100.csv 12/5/2018 11:00am
Centeron120520181000.csv 12/5/2018 10:00am
Centeron120520180900.csv 12/5/2018 09:00am
Centeron120520180800.csv 12/5/2018 08:00am

I only want to send the "Centeron120520181100.csv 12/5/2018 11:00am" file