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Re: Error listing directory - server returned empty listing for directory

All SFTP servers, I've ever encountered, returns always at least the dot entries (. and ..) for empty directories. WinSCP is indeed not compatible with your server.

Error listing directory - server returned empty listing for directory

I am getting error: "Error listing directory - server returned empty listing for directory" when the directory is empty. WINSCP returned status Failed and hence stopped the script. I tried running WINSCP and logging in interactively, this same error popped up, I clicked ok and can transfer file as normal. I do not get any error when using filezilla. This error happened when I try to get file but no error when I try to put file into the same directory. Appreciate if you could help.

my script look like this:

lcd "\\ABC\bor\Liverpool\Nestle-Testing-IFTMBC\"
put -delete *.txt
lcd "\\ABC\bor\Liverpool\Nestle-Testing-CONTRL"
put -delete *.EDIFACT
lcd "\\ABC\bor\Liverpool\Nestle-Testing-IFTMBF\"
get -delete *.edi *