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How do I make hidden files visible? E.g. my .htaccess file?

Ok. I found the answer to my own question:

In the preferences window, click on "Panels" on the left menu. Uncheck (or check) the "Show Hidden Files" box to show or hide the files.

Next I discovered that those files were greyed out... But, not to worry! They could still be selected and then transferred...

Thanks for being there!


How do I make hidden files visible? E.g. my .htaccess file?

Using WinSCP 5.13.9. and the Find File tool I find my .htaccess file in two locations, but those files are not visible in the directories shown in my WinSCP screen. Why? How do I unhide them?

And another question: How can I search the Forum for prior posts including an item I search for?