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Topic review


Sopor wrote:

I don't even know how to "ask for this" as you write: "We will see, if more people ask for this".

If someone posts a similar separate post/suggestion.

I believe it will not be many +1 because the hidden statistics are very high. I don't even know how to "ask for this" as you write: "We will see, if more people ask for this".
No other suggestion have been voted for :(

Re: Show path to WinSCP.ini in the title bar

Thanks for your suggestion.
We will see, if more people ask for this.

Show path to WinSCP.ini in the title bar

It would have been nice if it was possible to see what WinSCP.ini i use. So an option that make the path visible in the main window would have been nice (if the user is not using WinSCP.ini it could only show: Registry). Either show it in the title bar or in the status bar.
You already have "Path in window title" so why not add more options to it :)