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Topic review


leonbloy wrote:

The description does not exactly fit the requested feature, but anyway it's something.

OK, but it fits your use case, doesn't it?
when one wants to check (outside winscp, locally or remotely) about some file.

I have further improved the change to fit it even better:

The description does not exactly fit the requested feature, but anyway it's something.

Re: Copy filename (and/or path) from Synchronization checklist window

The upcoming WinSCP 5.16 will have this feature:
On Synchronization Checklist window, local and remote directories can be opened in Windows Explorer and another instance of WinSCP, respectively.

Copy filename (and/or path) from Synchronization checklist window

Currently the Synchronization checklist window lacks any way of copying to the clipboard the filename of each listed item.

I think that would be useful, when one wants to check (outside winscp, locally or remotely) about some file.