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Topic review



For list of reasons WinSCP cannot parse directory listing and possible resolutions, see documentation.

Re: Crash when using WINSCP against a SLES 8 Machine

Michael Smith wrote:

Same problem with SFTP

I doubt that you can have this problem with SFTP. Please post a log file.
Michael Smith

Re: Crash when using WINSCP against a SLES 8 Machine

Same problem with SFTP


Re: Crash when using WINSCP against a SLES 8 Machine

Michael Smith wrote:

Unexpected directory listing line 'drwxr-xr-x 22 mike users 4096 2004-03-01 11:48 .'.

The date format in directory listing is non-standard. Have you tried SFTP instead of SCP protocol? It should work.
Michael Smith

Crash when using WINSCP against a SLES 8 Machine


I have a problem, using WINSCP 2.0, and 3.5, when connecting to a SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 8 machine. I get this Error, it seems when using, SSH version 1.

Unexpected directory listing line 'drwxr-xr-x 22 mike users 4096 2004-03-01 11:48 .'.
Operation aborted

My SSH Server version is:

/home/mike> sshd -v
sshd: illegal option -- v
sshd version OpenSSH_3.4p1

and my O/S Info

/home/mike> cat /etc/issue

Welcome to SuSE SLES 8 (powered by UnitedLinux 1.0) (i586)
Kernel \r (\l).