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VBA Exapmples

I need to automate FTP from within an Access 2010 database.
I have spent a lot of time on this and have not found a 100% reliable solution.
My latest attempt can upload / download files but I have found that the downloaded files become corrupt. They are .csv files. If I download them using an FTP programme they are correct, but as soon as I use the vba solution I have they are corrupt. I can't figure it out and am very frustrated!
WinSCP has been recommended to me. However before jumping in, I would like to know (and get sample vba code) if I can automate the following from within Access 2010:
* get list of files on ftp server
* upload files to ftp server
* download files from ftp server
* rename files on ftp server
* delete files on ftp server

Many thanks in advance. Sample working code for the above will be most welcome and will automatically trigger a donation