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Automatic Synchornisation to SFTP client and local file

Hey guys.

I am a definite newbie when it come to this.

I have created a text file to synchonize the files both on my local machine as well as on my SFTP site.
This is the sync.txt file

option batch on
option confirm off
open Test
synchronize both "C:\Testing" "/AEU/Testing"

I have created a bat file to run winSCP and the txt file but it doesnt seem to work.

.bat file
C:\Program Files\WinSCP\winscp.exe/console/script=C:\Users\admin\Desktop\sync.txt /log=C:\synclog.txt

Can someone assist me? Im looking to have both folders mirrored, so if the one has a file loaded to it, it automatically syncs to the otherone. I am looking to run this scripting file every 5 minutes.

Is this possible? any assistance will be appreciated.