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Topic review


Re: Copy To Clipboard as Name

Can you not place this into the context menu.


That thread is not much to do with what I am asking for. All I want is the FQDN.

I guess it has. The thread solves much more complicated problem. Your problem is just subset of it.

I am not bothered whether WinSCP supports the URL protocol.

I do not understand this point.

Re: Copy To Clipboard as Name

martin wrote:

File(s) > File names > Copy to clipboard

Can you not place this into the context menu.

ii) Copy Full Path to Clipboard
Copies fully qualified information; i.e.

I may add this. Meanwhile, you may find this topic useful.

That thread is not much to do with what I am asking for. All I want is the FQDN.

I am not bothered whether WinSCP supports the URL protocol.

Re: Copy To Clipboard as Name

Adem wrote:

i) Copy Path to Clipboard
Copies only local path information; i.e.

File(s) > File names > Copy to clipboard

ii) Copy Full Path to Clipboard
Copies fully qualified information; i.e.

I may add this. Meanwhile, you may find this topic useful.

Copy To Clipboard as Name


MS Windows Poer tools have a Context Menu extension named 'Sendto Clipboard As Name' which copies the path of a file to clipboard.

This is very useful if you need that files full path information (i.e. including its name).

Could you add something like that to WinSCP, please.

Actually, I would like 2 items added to the popup menu:

i) Copy Path to Clipboard
Copies only local path information; i.e.

ii) Copy Full Path to Clipboard
Copies fully qualified information; i.e.
