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Re: same panel type on both sides

semi wrote:

would it be possible to allow same panel type on left and right side when using notron view? If it'd be possible to have local panel on both panels, WinSCP becomes file manager too.

I do not plan this feature. It is quite many work to do and there are plenty of filemanagers already.
If it'd be possible to have remote panel on both sides, we could copy from one to another remote host directly. This would be absolutely perfect.

Please read F.A.Q. on this.

same panel type on both sides


would it be possible to allow same panel type on left and right side when using notron view? If it'd be possible to have local panel on both panels, WinSCP becomes file manager too. If it'd be possible to have remote panel on both sides, we could copy from one to another remote host directly. This would be absolutely perfect.

Thanks for great work!