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Re: SessionOptions.Protocol issue

plugitin wrote:

Hi please bare with me as a newbee. I am using the COM automation of WinSCP and I am writing an FTP module into IBM (Lotus) Domino using LotusScript (Visual Basic of sorts). One area I see there is an issue is specifying the SessionOptions.Protocol = Protocol_Ftp . I dont have the luxury of using the <job> Java work around. So I have played about and noted that if I interrogated the value for a default SessionOptions returned a numeric string. So thinking there may be a numeric representation for FTP I tried until I noted this worked SessionOptions.Protocol = 2 for basic FTP. As I can find no documentation on these numeric values could you please tell me what are the correct values for each type of protocol transfer

Hi plugitin,

I'm trying to achieve something very similar in LotusScript using the COM automation of WinSCP.

Would it be possible to share an outline of your LotusScript?


SessionOptions.Protocol issue

Hi please bare with me as a newbee. I am using the COM automation of WinSCP and I am writing an FTP module into IBM (Lotus) Domino using LotusScript (Visual Basic of sorts). One area I see there is an issue is specifying the SessionOptions.Protocol = Protocol_Ftp . I dont have the luxury of using the <job> Java work around. So I have played about and noted that if I interrogated the value for a default SessionOptions returned a numeric string. So thinking there may be a numeric representation for FTP I tried until I noted this worked SessionOptions.Protocol = 2 for basic FTP. As I can find no documentation on these numeric values could you please tell me what are the correct values for each type of protocol transfer