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Topic review


Re: Larger icons on toolbars & larger font on menus to support touch screens and higher res displays.

A request for explicit toolbar button size configuration is now tracked here:
Issue 2147 – Larger toolbar icons

Re: Larger icons on toolbars & larger font on menus to support touch screens and higher res displays.

WinSCP follows system scaling. If you set scaling to 200%, WinSCP will display 200% icons.

Larger icons on toolbars & larger font on menus to support touch screens and higher res displays.

Most new laptops and tablets offer resolutions above 1080p.
The problem is that running WinSCP on them especially for touch screens means that the toolbar icons and menu items are too small to use.
Please can you;

  1. Have an option to increase menu font size as you have done in Panels -> Panel Font.
  2. Have an option to increase the size of the toolbar icons from Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, Extra Extra Large (necessary on 4k touch screens).

Many Thanks