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Is this possible to do from a script with WinSCP


I am trying to figure out if I can do this from a script via WinSCP.

Basically, it is launch a script, Telnet to another Internal IP, Login and then run two commands and exit from telnet, and end the connection.

Here is how I would do it form SSH or telnet;

Using SSH, it would look like this:
ssh <LAN2 IP address>
<login with linux user/pass, default = root/****>
<from linux prompt>
telnet <this internally connects from the linux processor to the main processor’s command line>
<login with CCI password, default = *******>
debug val 0x00 <to turn off>
debug val 0xDF <to turn on>

Using telnet it would look like this:
telnet <LAN2 IP address> 2323
<login with CCI password, default = ********>
debug val 0x00 <to turn off>
debug val 0xDF <to turn on>
