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Re: Multiple GB worth of wscp*.tmp files in C:\Windows\Temp

I'm a fool.

The issue was with part of my code. By using Receive-Job instead of Get-Job, I wasn't getting the state of the child jobs.

.tmp files are no longer being orphaned

Thank you for the help Martin!

Re: Multiple GB worth of wscp*.tmp files in C:\Windows\Temp

The log is not finished. It looks like the process was aborted. The process was running for 2 minutes (almost exactly). Isn't there some check that aborts the process, if it does not finish within 2 minutes?

Re: Multiple GB worth of wscp*.tmp files in C:\Windows\Temp

It looks like there were 15 .tmp files left behind, from 20 Sessions. Some .tmp's were as small as 1KB and others as large as 300KB

I zipped the debug from one of the runs that had orphaned a .tmp

I was having issues uploading a zip, so I stored it here
If that's not desirable I can continue to try to upload again later (perhaps it's the network I'm on)

(Potentially superfluous/ unnecessary info below)
The PFTS script installs as a Windows service, and executes a function (named 'run-pfts') every 30 seconds. The function in turn starts .ps1 files as jobs.

That said, there was one script running as a 'job handler' another script attempting to download files, and a third script attempting to upload files.

I noticed, that with debug mode on none of the files actually transferred

Re: Multiple GB worth of wscp*.tmp files in C:\Windows\Temp

Does every WinSCP.Session instance leave a .tmp behind? Can you enable debug logging (Session.DebugLogPath) and attach the log here (for a session that left a .tmp behind).

Multiple GB worth of wscp*.tmp files in C:\Windows\Temp

Hey all,

I recently had a requirement to build a powershell script that performs SFTP/FTPS transfers that would survive reboot.

Operation and security constraints lead to me running the script as a service, to survive reboot.

After allowing the service to run for a day, I noticed my HDD was full. As it turns out, there were several Gb worth of files like 'wscp1048.017658A6.tmp' in C:\Windows\Temp

The code I've been running is here
(WinSCP code starts at line 1006)

I have several MB of transaction logs as well (There's a log for each time WinSCp downloads, or enumerates a foreign directory)

So far I've read that files that are edited via WinSCP, may be temporarily stored in C:\Windows\Temp but I don't know why they would persist between sessions/ runs

If anyone has had this issue, or can point me in the direction of a resource that can help I would be quite grateful.