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Re: WinSCP script connect DB2: Character conversion not supported

kyobasher wrote:

When the application uses SCP, the operation fails with the errors:
"SQL0332N Character conversion from the source code page "819" to the target
code page "UNKNOWN" is not supported. SQLSTATE=57017
SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
SQL0843N The server name does not specify an existing connection.
(I believe code page 819 is Latin-1)

but when the application uses SFTP, the error does not occur.

Is there any obvious reason why this should occur?

Hard to tell without seeing a log file. But no, in general, there's no obvious reason.
Any reason why you are even trying to use SCP?

WinSCP script connect DB2: Character conversion not supported

My team has made an application based on the WinSCPnet.dll which connects from a Win 7 machine to a Linux host (locale Shift-JIS), transfers a script, then executes the script to connect to the DB2 database (the DB uses code page IBM-943) to perform various functions.

When the application uses SCP, the operation fails with the errors:
"SQL0332N Character conversion from the source code page "819" to the target
code page "UNKNOWN" is not supported. SQLSTATE=57017
SQL1024N A database connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
SQL0843N The server name does not specify an existing connection.
(I believe code page 819 is Latin-1)

but when the application uses SFTP, the error does not occur.

Is there any obvious reason why this should occur?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Windows environment:
WinSCP 5.13.7 build 9125 Win7

Linux environment:
CentOS 7 (locale Shift-JIS) with DB2 v11 (code page IBM-943)