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Re: Get all files in a given directory non recursively - possible bug?

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Get all files in a given directory non recursively - possible bug?

Hey guys,
I'm writing here because I've been stuck on this one task for a couple of hours now and I'm getting desperate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have the following directory structure on a FTP server:
root --|- QA
.........|- SPH --|- Josh --|-
.........|- Josh--|-

Everything which has an extension ".zip" is a file; everything else - folder.
The goal is to get all the files in the folder "SPH" but not recursively - only the files in that particular folder, i.e "" and "".

I can only navigate from the root of the directory.
Naturally I tried with the following filepath mask:
/SPH/*.zip | /SPH/*/
However, that didn't produce the correct results - yes I would get only the .zip files from that directory("" and ""), but I would also get the folders "QA","Josh" and "SPH/Josh" - as empty folders. Though empty - this is of no use to me. I need only the files and nothing else. No empty folders allowed.

I tried specifying the filemask as directory mask, ie:
/SPH/ | /SPH/*/
This doesn't return any extra folders, but it retuns all the files in the root directory - RootFile1,2,

I've tried specifying the absolute paths together with numerous combinations of the methods above with no luck.
Any advice is welcome!

P.S the files and have the following path: /root/SPH/ and /root/SPH/ . Had to draw the dots because the original whitespaces were getting trunked by the site