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Re: PUT in scripting with v4

Does the "put" command produce any output?

PUT in scripting with v4

Hey ... i am very confused ...
GET is no problem and its ok

PUT, i have some trouble, no ideas. Here my little script:
# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall

# the script on errors
option batch on

# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off

# Connect

# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary

# Upload the file to current working directory
cd /inbox/
put e:\programme\WinSCP3\ausgang\einganghost.txt

cd /outbox/
get outboxftp.txt E:\Programme\WinSCP3\eingang\

# Disconnect
# Exit WinSCP

GET its ok, but with PUT, i have no file on my FTP :?
Rights on the ftp-server are ok and both folders are with 777
And i tried with:
put e:\programme\WinSCP3\ausgang\einganghost.txt /inbox/
... nothing ... no file ...

Any ideas ??