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Topic review

Steve Taylor

Re: drag and drop from remote to local not working

martin wrote:

Is it 32 or 64 bit system?

Sorry, 32-bit.

Will check the docs for an alternative method, but it'd be great to address the drag and drop if possible.

Re: drag and drop from remote to local not working

Steve Taylor wrote:

Dragging local to remote seems fine, but when I try it the other way it says either the drag and drop extension isn't loaded or I haven't rebooted. I've rebooted for sure; and according to the details on the extension is definitely loaded.

Is it 32 or 64 bit system?

Until I resolve this, is there a way to transfer individual files from remote to local without drag and drop? I thought there would be an option on the context menu.

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.
Steve Taylor

drag and drop from remote to local not working

I've just upgraded to Windows 7, and installed the latest WinSCP along the way, and now I can't drag files from the remote window to the local one.

Dragging local to remote seems fine, but when I try it the other way it says either the drag and drop extension isn't loaded or I haven't rebooted. I've rebooted for sure; and according to the details on the extension is definitely loaded.

I'm on WinSCP 4.25.

Until I resolve this, is there a way to transfer individual files from remote to local without drag and drop? I thought there would be an option on the context menu.