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Re: Please help with installation in Dutch

Dutch translation is not 100% complete for 4.2.5, so it was not included. Though you can download incomplete translation.

Please help with installation in Dutch

Is there anybody who can help me with my installation in Dutch?
This is all new to me, I am not a computer-person so I'm not familiar with computer-language, especially not in English. Therefor I tried to install the installationpackage (WinSCP 4.2.5)through a page that was in Dutch and it said that I could choose at te beginning of the installation for the Dutch language. But it didn't appear. I hoped maybe later, but at the end I needed to fill in information about my host and domain, but did'nt understand it in English. So I decided to uninstall and try to find the Dutch installation again. But I can't. Maybe I took the wrong intallationpackage?
What I want is only to place an 'under construction message' on my homepage.
Can anybody help me in Dutch with support or send me a link with the installationpackage where Dutch is available to choose?
Thank you!
And sorry, I even don't know if this is the right place form my question, but even that I couldn't find or understand from what I read.