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Re: sudo su to a non-root user

kgn_vt wrote:

I followed the process in this link -->

I can successfully connect but it connects as root. I have the user and group Id numbers matching and have the owner and group assigned to the copied dftp-server file as described along with the sudoer file entries.

I need this to connect as a non-root user so the owner/group is assigned to this user if a new file or directory is created using the non-root ID.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

I've found a workaround where I do a sudo -u /root/admin1-sftp-server and give the appropriate permissions and sudoer entries to allow the execution.

sudo su to a non-root user

I followed the process in this link -->

I can successfully connect but it connects as root. I have the user and group Id numbers matching and have the owner and group assigned to the copied dftp-server file as described along with the sudoer file entries.

I need this to connect as a non-root user so the owner/group is assigned to this user if a new file or directory is created using the non-root ID.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.