Search found 11 posts

(.NET assembly / COM library > Issue : Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond)
Issue : Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond

(.NET assembly / COM library > getting SFTP linux server current time using .NET assembly)
getting SFTP linux server current time using .NET assembly

(.NET assembly / COM library > getting SFTP linux server current time using .NET assembly)
getting SFTP linux server current time using .NET assembly

(.NET assembly / COM library > generating xmllog with WINSCP .NET assembly)
generating xmllog with WINSCP .NET assembly

(.NET assembly / COM library > .NET Code to get the file info on the remote directory)
.NET Code to get the file info on the remote directory

(Scripting / Automation > will WINSCP process only the fully available file - GET cmd?)
will WINSCP process only the fully available file - GET cmd?

(.NET assembly / COM library > winscp .NET assembly open sftp session with out Hostkey)
winscp .NET assembly open sftp session with out Hostkey

(.NET assembly / COM library > winscp512automation dll can be used with winscp 5.1.1?)
winscp512automation dll can be used with winscp 5.1.1?

(Scripting / Automation > Moving files from Linux folder to Windows folder)
Moving files from Linux folder to Windows folder

(Scripting / Automation > Capturing WinSCP return code in the script)
Capturing WinSCP return code in the script

(Scripting / Automation > Log file creating issue) Log file creating issue