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(.NET assembly / COM library > WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator)
Re: WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator

(.NET assembly / COM library > WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator)
WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator

(.NET assembly / COM library > WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator)
WinSCPnet.dll 6.3 missingMethodExceptions : RemoteFileInfoCollection.GetEnumerator

(.NET assembly / COM library > Session log file rotation macro (e g add day, hour))
Session log file rotation macro (e g add day, hour)

(.NET assembly / COM library > Session log file rotation macro (e g add day, hour))
Session log file rotation macro (e g add day, hour)

(.NET assembly / COM library > Session log file rotation macro (e g add day, hour))
Session log file rotation macro (e g add day, hour)

(.NET assembly / COM library > Dir listing gets stuck when listing includes many different user/group/permissions with no logoff)
Dir listing gets stuck when listing includes many different user/group/permissions with no logoff

(.NET assembly / COM library > Automation fails with files with [ character in the name (5.7.7 and 5.9.6 tested))
Automation fails with files with [ character in the name (5.7.7 and 5.9.6 tested)

(.NET assembly / COM library > Error: Key-exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group1 -sha1 was not verified!)
Error: Key-exchange algorithm diffie-hellman-group1 -sha1 was not verified!

(Support and Bug Reports > KEX Warn default option change force automation developers to have to recompile their applications)
KEX Warn default option change force automation developers to have to recompile their applications

(Support and Bug Reports > .tmp file handle issue causing exception in WinSCPnet!WinSCP.SessionLogReader.OpenLog())
.tmp file handle issue causing exception in WinSCPnet!WinSCP.SessionLogReader.OpenLog()