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Scripting / Automation


WinSCP command failed to run the FTP upload operation

How to execlude/compare files from synchronization?

  • 2016-03-08 10:57
  • Samer

Syncronize Directories with Powershell - write log to file?

Select only specific-format files in subfolders, then download them

How to create script for sending files via HTTPS with ssis calling WinSCP

Advanced File Masks

Generate script from a stored session

Creating a session list by editing .ini file with PuTTY port tunneling

  • 2016-03-04 10:29
  • Pirm

Script error

Can anything else be done with Write-Host ("Upload of {0} succeeded" -f $transfer.FileName)

FTPS - Transfer channel cant be opened PS error - GUI works

  • 2016-03-02 15:44
  • giermo@...

MV Command appends from location at the end of the to location

Copying files from remote side failed. Failure writing network stream.

Script won't synchronize folders

Scripting AutoZip to existing folder

Using get -latest /home/user/* c:\downloaded\

Doubt in Open Command

Can't create file System Error Code 5 Access is denied

automizing the download of files using bat file

Put function without naming file

Script vs winscp.exe

Wget URL after File Upload

sed command fails to edit when a sh file is executed using the custom command call.

error when executing multiple instances of wcp via command line

can't synchronize both while @echo off

Auto keepuptodate

can't use /script command line option when executing via VBA or task scheduler

XML Parsing to VBS

  • 2016-02-12 22:42
  • fick

No such file or directory when using Execute custom remote command in

help with a script to upload

Disable ResumeSupport in Powershell

Downlaod File From FTP & Store On Local Folder

How to download multiple files in the same time with Powershell script?

open winscp from command line and change title window?

Using Python & WinSCP to load files to Amazon EC2

Create Remote folder with Timestamp

Scripting Help for Simple Upload

Sending Special Code 12

Sending special code: 12

Sending special code: 12 even though the script went ok

Error 12

mkdir error if already exists

  • 2016-01-30 09:52
  • Guest

Using MS Access VBA to upload a folder to FTP Server

Automate download/upload of only new files

Opening file for editing in already running session

Filemask doesn't work on WebDAV?

Can't get attributes of file error during FTP download

connection established and active session acheived but file transfer doesn't occur remains at 0%

  • 2016-01-25 23:44
  • wanj5

Archive files when winscp backup is done?

scripting syntax to connect to FTP

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